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Saturday, April 2, 2016

April Fools!

Rest easy Beetlemaniacs (and Phantom fans) I'm not really quitting! It was an April Fools prank! I do seriously love "That Thing You Do!" but there's still plenty for me to cover here!

We've got a ton of Golden Age stories still to come, the remainder of DC's 1980's Ted Kord adventures, and the continuing saga of Jaime Reyes and the scarab! Not to mention Ted's Charlton adventures, and maybe most exciting of all...

...the recently announced "DC Rebirth: Blue Beetle" written by Keith Giffen and art by Scott Kolins, which Geoff Johns recently said "This is Jaime Reyes, with his mentor Ted Kord"! I don't know about you, but I can hardly wait to see how this plays out! Two Beetles? Count me in!

Now...with all that said, there is some bad news...things in my personal/work life have been a bit hectic recently and I've fallen behind on my blogging. Posts will be sparse this month, but I'll using my time wisely, aiming to have everything back on track, with regular weekly posts in May!

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